We are an ELCA congregation located in the heart of the Ironbound.
We worship in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. All are welcome!
Our Mission
Nossa Missão e Comunidade
Somos um ministério acolhedor, diverso, inclusivo, de cura e esperança que conta com a graça de Deus e o poder do Espírito Santo para celebrar através do culto que apresenta a palavra de Deus de forma viva, através de ensino que transmite a boa nova de Jesus Cristo, através do convivio que demonstra o amor incondicional de Deus; e através do serviço que expressa a compaixão de Deus buscando restauração e justiça no mundo.
Our Mission and Community
A welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and multicultural ministry of advocacy, healing, and hope that relies upon the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit to celebrate through worship that presents anew the living word of God; through teaching that communicates the Good News of Jesus Christ; through fellowship that demonstrates Gods unconditional love; and through service that expresses Gods compassion and seeks healing and justice in the world.
Nuestra Misión y Comunidad
Somos un ministerio acogedor, diverso, incluyente y multicultural de defensa, curación y esperanza que se basa en la gracia de Dios y el poder del Espíritu Santo para celebrar a través del culto que presenta la palabra viva de Dios; a través de la enseñanza que comunica la buena nueva de Jesucristo; a través del compartir que demuestra el amor incondicional de Dios; y a través del servicio que expresa la compasión de Dios y la busca de la restauración y la justicia en el mundo.

Pastor Moacir Weirich
He moved in 1997 to Newark, NJ from Brazil. He and Rev. Maristela Freiberg, his wife, started a Lutheran congregation in a storefront location and then partnered with St. Stephen’s United Church of Christ. He was asked to serve the congregation of St. Stephan’s United Church of Christ. He and Maristela moved their ministry to St. Stephen’s, where it continues today. He is fluent in Portuguese, Spanish, and English and leads worship on Sundays.